Air Vice-Marshal Wendy Blyth, AM
The Head of Air Force Capability acts as the Air Force Capability Manager representative during modernisation and sustainment activities and provides strategic leadership of Air Force Headquarters in the following domains:
- air and space enabling capability concepts
- force structure requirements for Air Force
- IIP management and affordable development of new capability systems
- transition of new capabilities,
- joint logistics systems planning
- capability workforce planning.
Key focus areas include:
- resources
- personnel
- force placement
- infrastructure and
- future force considerations.
Air Vice-Marshal (AVM) Wendy Blyth has a proven reputation for delivering complex capital acquisitions, sustaining major capability programmes, for successful organisational transformations, and leadership. As Director General Air Capability Enablers, she was Capability Sponsor for the Air Mobility fleet, pilot and mission aircrew training systems, Air Traffic Management, Airbases, Air Force Security, Cyber Warfare and Networks, the unique Woomera range capability, and Jericho - Air Force’s innovation capability. AVM Blyth was uniquely suited to raising the strategic profile and needs of each of these capabilities in Air Force discussions.
As Officer Commanding of the Surveillance and Response Systems Program Office (SRSPO), AVM Blyth established sustainment arrangements for the P-8 Poseidon whilst assuring all sustainment for the P-3 Orion, Heron Uncrewed Aerial System, and Australian Defence Force Aerospace Life Support Equipment. Her efforts ensured high levels of operational capability were sustained on the P-3 Orion and the P-8 Poseidon as they transferred roles. AVM Blyth established and maintained complex contractual and industry relationships, and nurtured relationships with the United States Navy. As the Project Manager for the P-8 Poseidon acquisition, AVM Blyth achieved Government approval of the P-8 Poseidon fleet. She initiated key relationships with the United States Navy to develop the procurement arrangements necessary to support systems delivery.
AVM Blyth has proven ability to Command, both at SRSPO, and also at the C130J Logistics Management Unit (C130JLMU), where she was responsible for all sustainment support of C130J aircraft both at home and deployed. AVM Blyth’s efforts resulted in the C130JLMU and C130J sustainment contract becoming some of the highest performing contributors to Air Mobility. She was able to recover Air Force’s confidence in C130J sustainment support. AVM Blyth has extensive experience in management of technical risk, logistics, supply chains, contracts, finance and engineering, and design. She was the Senior Engineering Officer at Number 11 Squadron. In 2020 AVM Blyth became a Member of the Order of Australia for her exceptional service to the Australian Defence Force in C-130J Super Hercules sustainment reform; and in P-8A Poseidon capability development and system sustainment.
AVM Blyth is a graduate of the Australian Defence Force Academy. She has a Bachelor of Engineering, and three Master degrees. She is a graduate of the Australian Command and Staff College, and of the Royal College of Defence Studies in London. She is a Fellow with Engineers Australia and a Certified Practising Project Director with the Australian Institute of Project Management. AVM Blyth received the inaugural 2019 Australian Defence Magazine’s Women in Defence award for Project Management. AVM Blyth became Director General Force Options and Plans in November 2021, and in January 2023, was promoted to Air Vice-Marshal as Head of Air Force Capability.
AVM Blyth is married, has two wonderful daughters, and is a fan of the Brisbane Broncos.